Our Finance Council provides expert and advisory support to our parish's financial operations.
Because of the complexity of the modem parish, the Church has seen fit to establish parish finance councils in order to aid the pastor in administering the goods of the Church in a wise and judicious manner. Principles of Christian Stewardship based on solidarity and subsidiarity must guide the actions of the parish finance council. As with the parish pastoral council, openness, prayer, and discernment should prevail in council decisions. Only then will the council support the parish efforts to achieve its mission.
The core function of the finance council is to:
It is mandatory for the parish to have a finance council to advise the pastor in administration of parish goods.
(Canon 537) -
The parish finance council is meant to advise and support the pastor in his responsibility to administer the temporal goods of the Church.
The administrative management of the parish must strike a balance between good business sense and the pursuit of the mission of the parish.
The finance council shall meet at least quarterly each year and will consist of five (5) members and the pastor of the Parish.
The current finance council is comprised of:
Jan Chambers
Bill Rackers
Gene Shockemoehl
Pat Cassidy
Janet Mahan